BizLink and Employees


Having long been upholding our core values and principles of“integrity and honesty", “customer orientation", "environmental protection”, “teamwork,” and "Innovation"; since our founding, BizLink engages in differentiation through innovation and creates greater business opportunities and services of higher quality for customers, thereby becoming a sustainable, high-quality company that has successfully earned trust from shareholders, customers, employees, and other stakeholders.

In order to implement our core values and philosophy and our vision of corporate sustainability, we regard employees as our most important assets because employees serve as the key to ensuring continuous high-quality growth and momentum for improvement at BizLink. Therefore, BizLink commits ourselves to comply with relevant labor laws and regulations to safeguard employees’ legitimate rights while respecting internationally recognized basic labor rights and principles, including freedom of association, privacy, and prohibition of forced labor and child labor, as well as laws and regulations related to improper employment and discrimination. Furthermore, BizLink has established related rules and regulations to safeguard employee rights while constantly initiating and promoting a variety of employee care programs, promoting physical and mental health among employees, and offering competitive remuneration and benefits, so as to create a friendly workplace environment for employees. On the other hand, BizLink has also incorporated the ISO 45001management systems as the foundation for comprehensive development, which are improved and refined on an ongoing basis.

Meanwhile, BizLink establishes our human resource system, strategies, and policies based on a people-oriented philosophy and proactively takes care of employees in all aspects, including work, life, and health, so that employees can not only fully showcase excellent performance at work and eventually drive continuous growth at BizLink, but also achieve a balance between work and life. We hope that each employee can be a happy member of the BizLink family, so that both BizLink and our employees can create an excellent road map for the future together and lead a happy and harmonious life.

Employee Structure and Distribution

As of the end of 2023, BizLink had a total of 14,478 employees worldwide, which was a decrease of 1,530 compared to the 2022 total of 16,008. The decrease was primarily due to changes in business demand, resulting in a reduction of dispatched employees. The factory sector employed 8,839 individuals, with a male-to-female ratio of 49% to 51%. In Taiwan, there were 376 employees, and the remaining 14,102 were distributed across China and other overseas locations, including the United States, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Czech Republic, Belgium, Slovakia, Serbia, Malaysia, Singapore, and India. Managers accounted for 4.5% of the workforce (36% female, 64% male), technical personnel accounted for 28% (45% female, 55% male), and all other employees accounted for 67.5% (56% female, 46% male). The racial composition of the workforce is as follows: Asians 68%, Americans 13%, and Europeans 19%.


Age distribution

Year Under 30 years old 30 to 50 years old Over 50 years old
2022 8.12% 56.52% 35.36%
2023 8.21% 71.36% 20.43%

Workforce composition

Year Full-time employees Part-time employees
2022 89.16% 10.84%
2023 88.38% 11.62%
Note: Part-time employees refer to short-term manpower services provided by manpower agencies.

Direct/Indirect employees & gender structure

Year Gender Distribution by Gender Direct Indirect
Female 51% 48% 52%
Male 49% 40% 60%
Female 51% 34% 66%
Male 49% 27% 73%
Managerial positions by gender and age (section chief and levels above)

Managerial positions by gender (section chief and levels above)

Female managers Male managers
34.04% 65.96%

Managerial positions by age (section chief and levels above)

Under 30 years old 30 to 50 years old Over 50 years old
14.36% 72.96% 12.68%
Employee turnover

Distribution by age

  Direct employees Indirect employees
Region ≤30 % 30-50 % >50 % ≤30 % 31―50 % >50 %
Taiwan 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 16 5.21% 33 1.47% 3 0.69%
China 9,884 33.26% 7,553 16.70% 13 2.15% 259 5.20% 301 2.07% 10 1.24%

Distribution by gender

  Direct employees Indirect employees
Region Male % Female % Male % Female %
Taiwan 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 31 1.47% 21 2.42%
China 10,364 30.20% 7,085 17.18% 270 2.99% 300 2.66%


  1. Monthly average new employee onboarding rate = (Monthly average number of new employees in 2021) / (total number of employees at the end of each month from January to December / 12) * 100%.
  2. Due to the employee management systems upgrading in Europe and the United States sites, the new employee data of 2021 will only be disclosed in the Greater China region, the data of entire group will be disclosed in the next report.
Employee Recruitment

BizLink recruits outstanding talents from various fields through different channels based on our operational strategies and employee career development. Employee recruitment is conducted in accordance with local laws and regulations and Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) regulations.

No employees should be discriminated against during recruitment or at work based on ethnicity, skin color, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, nationality, race, labor union affiliation, marital status, political stance or religious and belief as per company policy. An employee’s performance evaluation and promotion, remuneration, work and rest hours, security of tenure, work allocation, training opportunity, employment prospect, social security, as well as occupational health and safety should not be affected by the aforesaid factors.

Composition of new employees in 2021

Distribution by age

  Direct employees Indirect employees
Region ≤30 % 30-50 % >50 % ≤30 % 31―50 % >50 %
Taiwan 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 26 8.47% 57 2.55% 9 2.08%
China 10,425 35.08% 7,762 17.16% 9 1.49% 277 5.56% 292 2.01% 13 1.61%

Distribution by gender

  Direct employees Indirect employees
Region Male % Female % Male % Female %
Taiwan 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 58 2.75% 34 3.39%
China 10,739 31.30% 7,457 18.09% 238 2.63% 344 3.05%


  1. Monthly average new employee onboarding rate = (Monthly average number of new employees in 2021) / (total number of employees at the end of each month from January to December / 12) * 100%.
  2. Due to the employee management systems upgrading in Europe and the United States sites, the new employee data of 2021 will only be disclosed in the Greater China region, the data of entire group will be disclosed in the next report.
Employee Benefits and Retirement
Employees Benefits and Pension System

Employees Benefits

All of our production sites worldwide work to protect our employees’rights in accordance with local laws and regulations. Take our Taiwan office for example - BizLink takes out labor and health insurance for all our employees starting from the first day when they report for duty, and also makes contributions to pension funds in accordance with the local law. BizLink ensures that employees receive compensation in case of an accident when performing their job duties, fixed claims or actual payments in case of an injury or death when performing their job duties and compensation for the portion of the total amount exceeding the labor insurance premium in order to provide employees with adequate protection. BizLink takes out group business travel insurance, which covers accidental death and disability, medical treatment for accidental injury, and public transportation accidents during overseas business travel while offering additional death and disability insurance premiums, overseas medical insurance for sudden illness, and third-party liability insurance. In the event that employees are sent on business trips to the Schengen area in Europe, BizLink increases insurance premiums for employees to meet Schengen visa requirements, offers overseas emergency rescue service and emergency medical transfer to Taiwan, and provides advance payment of hospitalization and medical expenses with a view to provide employees with complete protection during business travels. In addition, BizLink provides overseas-based employees with additional local group insurance, which covers life insurance, accidental death and disability, aviation and public transportation accident, accidental medical treatment and hospitalization allowance, illness or accidental hospitalization and medical insurance, so that our overseas-based employees can work abroad without any worries.
BizLink distributes long- and short-term incentive bonuses not only in accordance with local labor market conditions, but also in consideration of local laws and regulations, other industry practices, and our operating performance with the intention of encouraging employees to make long-term contribution and to grow together with BizLink. Various social insurance systems for employees in overseas locations are managed and governed in accordance with local laws and regulations.

Pension System
BizLink contributes a fixed percentage of employees’salaries to the pension account in compliance with relevant laws and regulations in Taiwan, such as the Labor Standards Act and the Labor Pension Act. For employees in China, BizLink provides them with endowment insurance according to local laws and regulations in hopes that our employees can retire with peace of mind.
BizLink’s production sites worldwide make contributions to pension funds for each employee in accordance with local pension schemes in regions where they are located. For our production sites in Taiwan, employees who joined BizLink before June 30, 2005 are entitled to pension under the old pension system as stipulated in the Labor Standards Act and the Labor Pension Act. For the old pension system, 2% of the monthly salary is contributed monthly for each employee with years of service under this system into the old pension reserve account at the Central Trust of China. The accumulated amount as of Q4 2022 was NT$6,626,189, while the accumulated amount as of Q4 2023 was NT$5,209,168. The decrease was due to the payment of employee retirement pensions; the remaining balance is estimated to be sufficient to cover the demands of the old pension system. Under the new labor pension system, 6% of each employee’s monthly salary shall be contributed to the Individual Labor Pension Account. On top of the fixed pension contributed by the employer (6% of the employees’salary), employees may also choose to contribute 0 to 6% of their salaries to the Individual Labor Pension Account.

Comprehensive education and training framework

BizLink endeavors to foster growth among employees and create an environment conducive to continuous learning and growth. We have established a sound education and training framework based on vocational training and personal development plans. This framework consists of 5 major aspects, including new employee training, professional training, leadership training for different levels of management, self-development, and internal lecturer training, with the aim of helping employees demonstrate our core values and achieve our vision and strategies.

New employee training
Primarily focusing on new employees,this type of training helps new employees learn about BizLink and establish a sense of identity with BizLink.
Professional training
We provide varying levels of training courses centered on the professional needs of different units, with the purpose of enhancing professional knowledge and skills in various functions, including sales, R&D, manufacturing, material management, marketing, and finance.
Leadership training for different levels of management
Cultural consensus and management skills are nurtured through general education for employees as well as training for new managers, middle managers, top-level managers, section chiefs, and first-line managers.
In order to facilitate learning in a quick, systematic and timely manner among employees, BizLink has incorporated a learning management system, which provides employees with e-Learning courses on our digital platform.
Internal lecturer training
“Employees with managerial experience or professional experience handpicked by managers or supervisors” are appointed as lecturers to conduct employee training, so as to pass on their experience at BizLink to other employees.

Encouraging employees to participate in club activities

BizLink encourages our employees to participate in healthy recreational activities, so as to enrich their personal life and engage in skills sharing. BizLink has set up a variety of clubs and societies for employees to meet the different preferences and needs of employees. The Employee Welfare Committee contributes subsidies and resources for establishing and maintaining these clubs and societies, with the intention of realizing participation in sports, stress relief, and interest sharing to promote physical and mental health among employees as well as bringing our colleagues closer to each other, thereby creating a lively, creative, and joyful workplace environment.

Tai Chi club
Cycling club
Yoga club
Badminton Club
Basketball club
Hiking club

Two-way communication channels

In order to foster harmonious labor relations, BizLink actively establishes a range of two-way communication channels to listen to the voice of our employees. By conducting regular interdepartmental communication meetings and establishing employee grievance mechanisms that guarantee absolute confidentiality, we have created a comprehensive communication platform to ensure seamless, transparent, and immediate communication with employees, so as to protect the legitimate rights of each employee.

BizLink has established a host of employee grievance channels according to the needs and nature of different locations, including dedicated phone lines and e-mail addresses, physical suggestion boxes, and counseling stations, so that employees can convey their feedback or recommendations via the aforesaid channels.
