Climate Change Risk

BizLink adopted the Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and have gradually integrated these recommendations into our business decision-making to identify the risks and opportunities brought upon by climate change as well as to implement various initiatives to adapt to climate change and to minimize GHG emissions. BizLink also discloses to internal and external stakeholders the risks and opportunities brought upon by climate change on our operations:

Climate risk disclosure framework
Governance Strategies
  • Regular reporting as an agenda item in Board of Directors’ meetings: Includes plans, goals, and results related to the management of climate change risks and opportunities in the agenda of Board of Directors’ meetings; and submit reports on environmental protection-related content, including GHG reduction plans and targets.
  • Corporate Governance and Sustainability Development Committee: This Committee serves as the highest-level organization for promoting ESG across BizLink Group, and also functions as the main platform for climate change issues. BizLink Group CEO takes the role of convener in this Committee, which is composed of four functional teams that focuses on corporate governance, the economy, society, and the environment. Members of this Committee include top-level managers at the relevant functional departments. This Committee is tasked with formulating climate change-related policies and strategies at BizLink. It convenes regular and annual management review meetings to ensure the promotion and implementation of risk management policies, approaches, and plans.
  • Conduct cross-departmental discussions to identify major transformations and entities as well as short-, medium-, and long-term risks and opportunities for BizLink.
  • Assess the financial impact of various major transformations and entities, short-, medium-, and long-term risks and opportunities, and transformation risks.
  • Conduct scenario analysis on transformation risks to investigate the potential financial impact of laws and regulations, technology, markets, and goodwill in two scenarios, namely a 1.5C rise and a 2C rise in temperature.
Risk Management Indicators and Targets
Follow the trends of climate change; collect external information on markets, laws and regulations, and technology; take into account the likelihood and impact of climate change; identify major climate risks and opportunities that may affect our operations and implement the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model; enhance our environmental management systems; and integrate climate change risk management into BizLink Group’s overall risk management system.
  • Continue to conduct inventory audits on Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions in compliance with ISO 14064-1:2006 standards where we expanded the scope of the inventory audit to all of our 17 production sites from 2020.
  • Set targets for GHG emissions, energy consumption and intensity as well as water consumption and intensity.
  • Draw up management objectives for climate change risks and opportunities, and review the progress and implementation of these objectives on a regular basis.

Opportunities from Climate Change
Climate Change Issues Types of Financial Impact Management Measures over Opportunities
Enhance sustainability/ESG indicators and ratings  By enhancing BizLink's corporate governance and sustainability-related assessment and ESG indicator ratings, more investors will be attracted from both at home and abroad, thereby increasing opportunities for funding. 1. Invest in existing manpower research and plan ESG improvement measures to enhance external ratings related to ESG.
2. Enhance information disclosure and reinforce communications with stakeholders to foster more understanding in the Company's financial and business positions as well as CSR actions.
Develop new revenues from new environmental markets and products. 1. Develop customers from the renewable energy industries including solar energy and electric vehicles.
2. Develop low-carbon and green product solutions to address customers' new demand.
1. Train the R&D unit and build their professional skills related to sustainable products.
2. Gradually increase the ratio of relevant products to satisfy customers' demand for low-carbon and green product solutions.